Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moon Hanger

You hung the moon
in slivers circling my eyes,
I close them to feel
your descending breath on my cheek,
as you tumble through the dark
burdened by heavy wings.
You, my private Mercury,
smother me in eloquence
as I rest in the lunacy of us.

Monday, February 18, 2013


To build upon the smoldering remains
of fallen night empires,
by the light of candles and fireflies.
I touch with a tender stroke
and hope rises from the ashes in a violet plume.
The streetlights burn unevenly
like the azure flecks of your eyes,
gazing across the canals,
and longing for a deep rain.
Lafayette is painfully quiet without your engine
but I still feel,
by no mistake,
that low rumble.
You're a vandal to my walls
and my quickly fading thief,
in riddled moments of need.
Thunder is promising of a lusted deluge,
drumming on the rooftop
as I lay awake one more time
against the sheets of our empty bed.
I've kept your nest changeless
for over a year,
because it's so hard letting go
of everything everywhere I look.
Black tie, black coffee, black Monday-
oh take me like a bullet
into that velveteen abyss
and through the hearts of many
do we share the forsaken kiss.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Fly with me through the hurricane,
I'll cover you from all the wind and rain.
Stoke the flames and watch me spin
I'm the fool shamelessly dancing for your grin.
Tell me the secrets of your pages
written on your skin for all the ages.
I trust the heavens of the sky
more than a flicker of the eyes
and you have so many answers 
but you can not tell me why.

Come away with me at shotgun
as we run this red light district,
we grabbed the vine
we drowned in our wine
because time is cruel mistress.

Fly with me through the hurricane
and nothing will ever be the same.
My inhibitions go topsy turvy
for a Venus long a curvy.
Unread letters from my fingers slip
to the floor as I rush your grip.
I trust the heavens more than most
as I move around your noisy ghost.
Our ship went down like a cannon ball
but the sails still keep to a devoted hope.