Rain on You
The clouds swell and push against one another
under the pressure between here and the stars
blackening and darkening a forlorn horizon.
Vertical but compassless
We breathe our secrets under an exhale
of gluttonous genus stratocumulous
gathering high above our worldly efforts.
Falling rain propels me into pleasure
The sound is felt from cloud to leaves
to rooftops
to window panes
to the streets and sidewalk.
The smell rises up and is addictive.
It embraces me like tender dreaming
All rain feels like summer rain at first.
There's a calmness that exhilarates simultaneously
and the ignition is like delirium.
We will always reunite and rectify in the rain.
My body will always react to your foot falls
and my soul will always trace each footprint
with delicate fingertips
gentle in their desire.
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