Open palms to the fathomless sky
Arms outstretched blindly
Bound and blindfolded
I'll take my last smoke now.
My weight shifts on Achilles heals
before I plunge into the uncertainty,
it's the consistency of tar
and binds my wings useless.
Is it love when you push away
for your beloved best interests?
because you want to them to have the best of life
and not struggle against the chains
of my constant keeper.
Or is love refusing to budge
to stay even when she thinks those thoughts
and says those words;
to stay until she makes you move.
Because the heart speaks an enigmatic language.
Best interests aside
what we desire matters most.
Nothing makes you the root of all evil
faster than good intentions.
Watchful tiger guide me
for I am Valentine sweet
and every mothers worst nightmare.
My limbs submit to the gravity
and I try to breathe though the plummet.
I will tread lightly like snowflakes
under the crushing weight
of a love with no name.
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