The ramblings and photography of a genderfluid maniac and poet. Photography and poetry by Amanda Barnabe. 2004-
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Unborn Ferns Breathing
she moved next to me
like red wine circles
staining the ivory silk below.
it was like an exhale of clove smoke
and the dialog of mountain sheltered wolves
singing to the amethyst studded pine branches.
and dangling from her lips
i struggled for breath
in a fist of urgent demands and fingers.
giant glaciers pass indifferently
through the harbor,
engulfed in the reverberating fog horn colloquy.
03:00 is beating a bounding heartbeat
just beyond my grasp somewhere.
I am ambling
through the chambers
where shadows ascend
and love can take you out
with a one inch punch.
I rose up on the vapors
of night time movements
now climbing and expiring,
and raining down over my head
like black coffee
being stirred by a spoon
in the absence of cream and sugar.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
fireflies are the guardians
that keep vigil through the rain
their steady glow must undergo
the things that never change.
Starlight is a bride of June
she pushes ivory after dark,
the songs she makes
the things we take
and plunge into our hearts.
There's nothing left to say today
no turning back this untimely dance
no regrets, just cigarettes
in love and war
and games of chance.
My beloved,
are your roaring, darling?
are you mending summer's dress?
your stow-aways are numbered days
in this madness you've confessed.
In passed lives you took a world by storm
touched by angels in the sky
your reprieve and reverie
continued when you died.
Starlight is a comet passing
she's goddamn brilliant on the page
and timeless through
these things we do
as everything begins to change.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just before I engage in dreaming
I can hear the angels scheming
Voices from the trees cry ‘follow’
Within this medicine I swallow
My hands betray me in their writing
Because I can’t control what I’m igniting
Worlds inside me now colliding
My mind a mist in heat subsiding
The unrequited verses astound me
As my unthinkable thoughts surround me
Maybe I should just resolve to silence
be without this mad reliance
To send me into perfect dreams
And rise above this wave of screams
Maybe it needs to be let go
I’m haunted by these things I know.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In golden splinters of perfect timing
Carve me a new face and make me beautiful
Make me the goddess of angry angels
Make me a witness to no ones god
I want to be beautiful so make me dangerous
Like honey and sugar make me raw
Kiss my hands and follow me
To the crystal caverns where dragons speak
Where dreams are born and hours die
Collect me thorns from the lions feet
For tonight the ancient sphinx will pace
A wordless riddle with no conclusion
And bare her teeth to my face
For anguish and sadness seek no intrusion
So I must be reborn from the dark and the wild
Make me rise under your skilled hand
Take me away from this woeful world
Filled by a sorrow I can't understand.

Climbing the wall of discontent
Stars shed tears of youth misspent
Heavenly light, what world is this?
do you burn instinctively
do you burn to exist?
And what forlorn shapely shadow hovers
What darkness cloaked figure smothers
Embers in the cinders dying
Angels sighing, saints are crying
Crimson winged serpents flying
As my body just keeps climbing
Such woe is heavy of its own contempt
Alone in the crevice of ill consent
Blessed sweet eternity,
I hope she forgives
What glory floods the incessant life
If there not will to live?
and the river was a hurricane
beating along the shoreline
in song and fury
ready to meet her maker.
defiant and feverish;
she pressed me down
to the ocean floor
and begged me shamelessly
from the infinite crevices
only darkness fits into.
slipping and gripping
beneath the alkaline tides,
i am crushed by the days
i dream on the sly.
January's a blue moon rising
and Wednesday is no one's child
the notches on my headboard says
it's all been worth the while.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Anywhere But Here
anywhere but here, my love
take me far away tonight;
because i thought to tempt the darkness,
tears have taken out the lights.
drive me through the shooting stars
make me forget this no face place
take me within an inch of my life
i believe i need
your finest face.
2:22 and i'm pondering you
fingering the comfort
of the things i once knew.
it's haunting
and taunting inspiration,
crushing lyrics into baby stars
go stumbling to the liquor and perfume
and fight the physics
of who you are.
complicate me until it’s simple
pull me together with your threads
sew together the soil
to embrace the sun seeds in my head.
because i know the sun will rise
and i'll be on that train,
but if you come to me tonight
nothing will ever be the same.
there's gravity between us
chemistry loose above
it matters not
this woeful world;
we do not choose,
we only love.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The marauding puppet show before me
chases chariots into dew drops
and your slippered sunrise
makes my sunset reckoning
fold into the shapes of doves
departing from the olive tree.
Delighted by the charcoal snake charming
and the foothills of ivy shadows,
I delve deep past the obvious
and into the echoing chambers
of felonious thinking.
You so graciously sculpt the bones
and I humbly start to write
on the ivory skeleton
of vertical Moscow latitude.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
the cheerful clinking of coffee mugs always reminded me of how my keys sound when i’m coming in from the night or the rain. joey always hated jingling noises, said they reminded her of words with too many syllables. josephine elizabeth walker schlaeganfritz especially hated having a name with four parts, let alone the fact that it ended in schlaeganfritz. so she went by joe or joey which i thought was cute. it was like she resented the loss of precious time every time she felt like a word was unreasonable long. time lost was a sin to her, and she spent much of her time on the road to redemption. time promised away in carefully decorated boxes was foolish. time saved was a precious commodity and digital watches are of the devil because they hack into time, chopping away in digital silence. god knows she’d much rather spare some change than spare the time.
but i remember joey in the garden of roses and lotus. her laughter; something about the way her soft, white belly would rise and fall while she was on her back laughing up at the roaring stars, fireflies kissing her eyelashes... i swear it made all the blossoms bloom in the dead of nightfall. hell, her laughter could make blossoms bloom during nuclear fucking winter. and it was her kind of beautiful, uncompromising and altruistic. the hurricane season brought with it an indian summer and i remember the matchbooks from dive bars in the city i pilfered with a fake id. we use to layout by the train tracks after midnight to feel the ground rumble beneath us while we looked for shooting stars. when the perseids came that year, i was flat on my back in ripped levis with a bottle of jack daniels in one hand, a joint in the other, howling at the moon until my voice gave out. we laughed and laughed in an out of breath rapture. she reached over and drew what felt like a word on my arm. i pushed her hair out of her face to see the moonlight on her flushed cheeks, she put a hand over my heart and then we succumbed to the silence.
sometimes i think back and finish the paragraph we were unraveling. i think about that last word, stretched across my skin. but that’s what makes us poets, and as poets we are kin.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Rats in The Walls
So I've decided to go back and start hammering out the short stories and fractured fairytales...
somewhere out there, in the cloak of dusk to twilight, an insomniac is drinking black coffee.
when the train left, it shook my windows and left me listless on the platforms. my mind was betraying me, racing back and forth between empath and psychopath in a manic depressive fervor. “whiter shade of pale” is inexplicably ambling on in my head, flooding my senses like cold iridescent neon around soupy saxophone solos. it reminds me of being sixteen in Virginia Beach. i’d bought Annie Lennox’s Medusa album with money i'd saved mowing lawns. it’s a song that washes over people in a way that makes everyone beautiful by the understanding that true beauty is the acceptance of the ugliness too.
sometimes when a someone dwells in your for so long, their fingerprints grow on us like thick, gorgeous ivy behind our eyes. you have to be careful to not let that lush green spread and spill out too wildly, or it will completely overtake you like rats in the walls. i have resorted to finishing the final chapters caped and masked in the night somewhere, dreaming of typewriters. and i still want to put her face in all my pictures. that feeling is my penance and my personal heaven and will never ever be gone from me. she will be why i am never alone and doomed to a life of sleepless nights. she was no demon lover, she was no friend of mine. friends and lovers come and go predictably. she comes and goes as she pleases.
the november sky held out like something better was coming along but december and january entombed Baltimore City in the white shroud. i was spending my days eating things from cans and watching reruns on the internet signal i was stealing from the neighbors. i’d tried writing but it barely made a dent in the daylight hours. it was going to be awhile before i’d truly write again and i knew it then. the word “dry spell” makes the whole thing sound a lot worse than it really is, i think. it makes a recess in writing seem like it could be compared to a large atmospheric phenomenon creating oppressive weather conditions. there are times for writing and times for living. i don't live through my writing, my writing lives in me and it took me a long time to realize that not everyone is like that. sometimes the world sings back to you and you can devour all that beauty in heaping mouthfuls, but sometimes you have the search the dust for the smallest trickle. i don’t think she thought the words were coming back to me, and i was too low in what i’d conserved to spare the extra words to try to explain it to her. it was a hard winter, and one in which i had all ready resigned myself to solitude. i wasn’t expecting her to slip through that trap door down to my doorstep ever again, but i wasn’t surprised when she did. it felt like a benevolent ghost of bad timing. i frantically searched for the words and the rhythm, flailing around the platform as the final boarding call is being broadcasted. sometimes i think about sending her ten love songs and note apologizing for being late. she was begging me to dance with her but the muscles of my mind had turned to tar. by spring time she’d had enough and left again, wrapped in a letter of unnecessary regret. i have learned that the words come back in their own time like spiders scheming in the corners.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
for anything but it's own interests.
she is an extraordinary machine
of exactitude and fire.
what cradles us is also
that which swings the blade.
she will offer
a brave new world
steady things of temporal importance
and she will burn your house down
faster than a New York minute.
love is a doppelganger;
just when her likeness comes into focus,
a careless blink
will wash it all away
.... and the feeling she leaves you with
you will chase after like hell.
she burdens herself not
with the responsibility of proof
because her existence is lawless.
but you can find her attestation
in the placement of things;
a lion in the ocean,
shoes by the bed,
the blood in our flesh,
and the tessellation of our souls.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Skeleton Keys
My mind slides
and I am precariously on your breath;
don't hide, my love
don't hide my love
Forge it into new shapes
like skeleton keys.
I miss the burn of moonshine
but I'm am fingering the bottle
and tasting for tremors
Guilty and giddy and so far gone...
Inhale deep of dewy dressings
as I drive the clamoring to your chest.
Exhale now,
as I draw the poison out
and lick clean the afterglow.
I write of you and me
in the sycamore tree forever
breathing deep the mayhem
like the sweat of our souls dancing.
I run my blade against this friction
and I draw
the blood of fiction
you're made of feathers
hot sweet addiction
as my body strains to listen
for dialogue caught in the crosshairs
for an echo in the empty
my breath is ragged
from sleeping alone at night.
I grow tender in your hands
as my own smash things
I shouldn't be touching,
and I don't want to be better
I don't want to be tamed
I don't want to be reasoned with.
There's nothing in this sentience
that could hold me back
from screaming out
and prying into your name;
feed me to the beast
bury me in the surf
take up with me
and the fireside piano
when the liquor and night
has been
gently over the marigolds, lover.
Exhale the turmoil
inhale this solace
and then let me take your breath away.
I would like nothing more
than to slide down the railing
and spoon you like ginger;
Weave my fingers into you,
we become each other
as I cradle your body
with my heart.
My skin is your skin
against all odds we begin
Who could have expected this?
The late nights
the flickering light
the will to live
and dying rites
kindred spirits in a world
of star crossed lovers.